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State of the UK MVNO market

1 min read
Published on: 24 Apr 2017
Updated on: 7 March, 2024
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Following our successful collaboration with Grant Thornton defining the State of the UK MVNO market I am pleased to announce our joint MVNO Innovation & Joint Services Workshop.

A one-day workshop designed to assist MVNOs Innovate, Accelerate and Optimise their business and prepare themselves to realise investment.

We came together to understand the main challenges that the UK MVNO market faces today, and how we can use our combined expertise and complementary points of view, to support them throughout the entire business lifecycle.

The main findings of our research include:

  1. The overall scale of the market
  2. Market dynamics
  3. Segment focus
  4. Data growth story


To find out more download the details. #MVNOSWORLD.

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